○ 0~360°打标,免定位治具;
○ 识别速度快,定位准;
○ 效率为普通打标机的3-5倍;
○ 多个产品一次定位,精准打标;
○ 多种类产品,不同内容混合打标;
○ 操作简单,易学;
○ 简单配置,即可实现自动化生产;
○ 0~360 ° marking, without positioning fixture;
○ fast identification and accurate positioning;
○ the efficiency is 3-5 times that of ordinary marking machine;
○ positioning and accurate marking of multiple products at one time;
○ multiple types of products and mixed marking of different contents;
○ easy to operate and learn;
○ simple configuration can realize automatic production;